Today marks the. 2,000th day of waiting for our girl. I never thought that this journey would have taken us this far. Alas, it will come to an end, a happy ending...I am sure of it. Today we received some news from our agency. They said the reason our referral was delayed was because we were questioned in the review room and we were lumped in with the next batch. The agency said we should get our referral in the next batch. So that is good news and that is all the new information I have. Please Stand by...
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6 years ago
I am so sorry you are still waiting Susie yet so thankful for the news you received.
Your baby girl just isn't ready for you yet. As hard as this is (and I cannot begin to imagine how hard the past couple of weeks have been for you) one look at your dauther and....oh my! How perfect she will be for you!
Praying the next referrals arrive SOON!!!
Sorry that this wait has been so long for you but thankfully there is an end in sight and very soon you will have your sweet, perfect and meant for you, daughter in your arms. Hugs to all of you.
I am so sorry for this delay, thankfully the end is near! Rest assured, I'm checking in awaiting your joyous news. The end is near!
Karen aka 'dannysgirl' on RQ.
So sorry that you have to continue to wait! My word verification is "unite" how cool is that! Can't wait to see your happy referral post!
Can't wait for that next batch to see your beautiful baby girl. :)
I just wanted you to know I am thinking about you. I am so glad you have some news. I haven't been able to get you off of my mind. I hope all is well and would love to catch up sometime.
Praying for you friend.....
any news?
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