Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summa Time!!!

Lyssie Lou finished school yesterday and now has the rest of the summer to go crazy. That, I'm sure she will do. We have some fun ideas for her and some exciting plans. I hope she enjoys this summer as that is a goal I have every summer for her.

This wait for our adoption is really hard. From one moment till the next I can't tell you how I'll be feeling about it. Sometimes I think about it almost all day and there are other days that I don't think about it at all. It's when I don't think about it that I do better. I really think that women do have "little clocks" that tick. I'd swear it wasn't true, but I feel it all the time. I think "when will this finally happen," and "geez how old will I be when I get our child?"

Scott and I are actually toying with the idea of doing an interim adoption domestically while waiting for our Chinese daughter. I don't know how things will end up being but I guess that is why adoption is so exciting.

I talked with Karen today and I'm so glad she is feeling better. Every living thing in her home has been sick with the vomit flu. Yesterday Karen felt like crap (as I'm sure anyone would when chucking every hour, and having your baby chuck right along side you). Today even though she still wasn't feeling well she was cleaning her bathrooms of all the nasty. So Karen feel better and remember that I'm happy to help in these situations. When you work in a hospital you get used to the 3 P's...Pee, Poop and Puke. Call away.


Crazycozartclan said...

Thanks... I think we're over the worst of it. I almost got the smell out of....well mostly everything. When I know we're all clear we can go play! :) Hang in there

Lisa and Tate said...

What a great summa goal... to give Alyssa the funnest summa, eveh! I think it is exciting for you to do the domestic route while waiting.... I wish this move could be in my cards, but will have to wait until I have Tate home and settled in....

Catherine said...

Hey friend,

Great to see you posting. Just checked in and it was wonderful to see your post! Hope your summer is going well.